Scobelizer has dropped a post here about the new web browser being developed by AT&T.
You can see a video demo here and sign up for the limited beta taking place.
Top line is, it's 3D and it's aimed at everybody (not just early adopters).
It's been developed by some clever people at Vizible who seem to know alot about 3D and the web.
That's all I know for now.
More later
So, you find the worlds greatest record shop. You tell all your friends about it and they like the sound of it so much they agree to go there with you the next time you visit. You both turn up on the day and your friend is told that before they can enter they need to pay to get in. Sounds stupid, but something similar happened to me when I wanted to add my kids to my gym membership. I've been with the gym since last November, (and I didnt pay a joining fee). My kids come with me every saturday for a swim and I thought it would work out cheaper if I enrolled them as members. The staff were very helpful and told me how much it would cost and that there would, of course, be a joining fee. Of course! Of course? I've told my kids it's great, I've offered them as new members to the gym, and the gym wants to charge me / them for the privilege, despite the fact that they'll also be paying a monthly subscription.
I really don't understand joining fees. I'd love to hear of this in any other industry. My view is that it undermines good word of mouth, which is the strongest advocate for any ailing business, surely?
The battle of the home pages starts here....
When is someone going to come up with a search / tagging system for Sky TV? I could set up a watch list, and get it to alert me to programs coming up based on my preferences, or I could search for a program by subject, as well as title. Not much to ask is it? Have a feeling this is something TIVO does quite well. Be nice to see it in the single largest multichannel platform in the UK. I must have something in the region of 300 channels (or more) but no way of navigating my way around them unless I already know something is there.