This is nice, in a kind of old school web kind of way (!)
KLM are playing on that old riff, travel starts as soon as you leave your home, with an online campaign and microsite that brings to life the experience of travelling with their airline. The banners are very subtle - no shouty shouty, just some nice imagery and lovely copy. The campaign site breaks down every step of your journey with them, from check in to destination. It's old school in that it's not trying to do anything particularly innovative from a marketing point of view, but it gets the most important thing in marketing spot on - a good story well told
The banners are all over Linked In at the moment (nice bit of media planning there - I wander how well they've done?)
The campaign site, Journeys of Inspiration, can be found here.

I'm sure someone else has said something about this already but, as this blog is primarly for me to remember things, I had to make a quick note of this campaign from Sage accounting. Yes, Sage Accounting and a creative campaign - who would've thought it! Don't watch much telly these days, but by all accounts they're something to do with The Krypton Factor these days. To celebrate, they've created an online brain training arena called Train Your Business Brain, which pits you against other intelligentsia from around the UK. Two things I really liked about it 1 - It uses Linked In as it's primary source of traffic - nice bit of relevant social advertising within the right environment 2 - It pits you against a small team of opponents and immediately brings a tangible human touch to the proceedings.
So, whilst I my General Knowledge prowess may be up there against Gordon, a research student from the Midlands, I havent a hope in hell of bettering the mathematical genius of Carol, a marketing executive from the South West.
Great program from the BBC about the influence of the internet on "digital natives" - people who have grown up with the internet and are using the internet as their first port of call for information and entertainment over and above more traditional means. Lots of discussion ensues as to whether searching and the skimming of information is to the detriment of deeper study and retention of information through more traditional means. You know, reading...in a library...and searching by getting up out of your chair and having a proper dig around.
Program is here
Article is here
The local library (if you're interested) is here