Thursday, June 28, 2007

I'd like to teach the world to sing....

Nice ad placement on the Aint It Cool Website, advertising Coca Cola's music service. Simple rich media MPU in the far right (below the fold though, so I'd ask for some money back) with their top ten chart, "as voted for by you the listener". What's nice is that you can click on any of the tracks and it'll launch a neat little flash media player and play the full version of the track, then go on to play the rest of the chart.

You can add tracks to a favourites list, vote for tracks and help them climb up the chart, or change channels and listen to something else entirely (including brand endorsed podcasts).
Tracks are categorised by territory (nice brand echo there) and you can download a desktop version of the media player. Simple "send to a friend" mechanic spreads the love to your close ones.

Ooh, ooh, you can get the html for the player and embed it in your own website / myspace profile. The only thing missing is a link through to the coke website, which may be because its been cleverly hidden, is unneccesary, or is an oversight on an otherwise over enthusiastic creative team.

You can see the full web experience here (although I had trouble loading it in Firefox).

Good stuff.

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