Monday, January 28, 2008

Flowers and fruit....

More changes afoot in the music business, with the announcement of two new sources of free music from artists you've heard of. Firstly, Last FM have launched full tracks from their service, with music available for all the majors along with a fair chunk of the last few independents. You're limited to three plays of their streamed content before you're urged to cough up.

Secondly, a bit of up and down from QTrax, who announced this morning that they were launching a free peer to peer service offering free downloads of tracks, with revenue coming from advertising via their bespoke player. However, no sooner had they announced it, the site was immediately taken down as it transpired they hadnt actually agreed anything with anyone at this stage.

The dramatic shifts in the music industry are interesting, but ultimately nothing new. We've been watching (and listening) to paid for content for years now via TV and radio. I'll add some groundbreaking insight once I've made a cup of coffee and got some proper work done.

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