Solid article from Forbes magazine about the nature of the "always on" populace, blogging, twittering, FriendFeeding and generally telling everyone and anyone who will notice what they're doing, reading, eating, dreaming about. Still, helps if you have something important to say. Not so good if you don't.
Got to say, this was highlighted to me by Jeremiah Owyang via his twitter, although he does talk about it at length on his ever excellent blog.
While we're on the subject, Chris Brogan has a great post that takes this "always on" mentality to its next obvious step. If people are always talking, the best thing you and your clients can do is listen to what they're saying, especially if it's about you. How did I hear about this article? Nicholas Butler, a complete stranger who I happened to hear on a podcast one time mentioned it in his Facebook status update the other day.
God bless the internet....
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